FAX +81 (0)46-204-1112
1411-2 Kamiechi, Atsugi-city, Kanagawa-ken 243-0801
  HOME Company Overview Enquiry Form
  Company Overview
company name REGITEX Co.,Ltd
Established May 1992
Capital \ 30,000,000
Annual Sales \ 959,000,000 in the period from April 2008
Business Field Manufacture and sale of rubber latex and resin emulsion based adhesives.Manufacture and sale of processed products of rubber latex (for example, foam rubber, soaked products).Technical services related to rubber latex and resin emulsions.
Company Address Head Office
1411-2 Kamiechi, Atsugi-city, Kanagawa-ken 243-0801
TEL F 046-246-1311@FAX F 046-204-1112
Number 1 Factory
3318-2 Nakatsu, Aikawa-machi, Aiko-gun, Kanagawa-ken 243-0303
TEL F 046-285-1909@FAX F 046-286-0545
Number 2 Factory
2500-1 Nakatsu, Aikawa-machi, Aiko-gun, Kanagawa-ken 243-0303
TEL F 046-286-1004@FAX F 046-286-0898

Thai Regitex Co.,Ltd@F@Rayong , Thailand
View of the Head Office {Ўʐ^

  The origin of the Regitex company name
The name Regitex originates from two words, the regia in "Aqua Regia" and "latex". The meaning of the two words is explained below.

"Aqua Regia"
This was the potent chemical that was able to dissolve even platinum and gold. Furthermore, in Latin, it has the meaning of "the King's Water". That is to say, from the "Regia" of "Aqua Regia" comes the meaning "Royal" or "King".

This is a solution of rubber or resin polymer dispersed in water. In other words, this indicates natural rubber latex or synthetic rubber latex.

Regitex's name has both "Regia" and "Latex" connoting the meaning "The King of Latex".

Product Information
Water soluble adhesives
and glues


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